"Star-Me" is an innovative mobile application developed by Locarodix Team, designed to create a dynamic and rewarding social networking experience. The app stands out with its unique points system, where users earn points for positive interactions and engaging with content they love. This system encourages a supportive community where inspiring moments are shared, and users can connect with each other while supporting causes they care about.
"Shop-N-Save" is an innovative retail concept developed by the Locarodix Team, designed to offer a dynamic and rewarding shopping experience. The store stands out with its unique points system, where customers earn points for every purchase made and for their loyalty to the brand. This system encourages a community of engaged shoppers where inspiring shopping moments are shared, and customers can connect while supporting causes they care about. Coming soon !
"Research-N-Solve" is a groundbreaking initiative by the Locarodix Team, dedicated to tackling some of the most challenging millennium problems, including the famous P = NP question. Our mission is to delve into these complex issues, aiming to uncover solutions that could revolutionize the field of computer science. We also focus on decoding internal FECT codes, pushing the boundaries of current understanding and technology. Join us on this intellectual journey as we strive to make significant contributions to the world of theoretical research.
Locarodix is an innovative project founded by the Team Locarodix, aimed at developing cutting-edge technological solutions and applications. One of the notable products developed by Locarodix is the "Star-Me" mobile application, which focuses on creating a dynamic social networking experience by incorporating unique features such as a points system to reward positive interactions and engagement.
With a background in entrepreneurship and technology, Dimitri developed StarMe to create a supportive online environment where users earn points for engaging with content, sharing inspiring moments, and supporting causes.
Olivier Suelves OTT is the co-president of T0MIKE Records, an independent music studio. His role involves overseeing the studio's operations and fostering its growth in the music industry.
TechOne, known as webteches on GitHub, is a 19-year-old web developer passionate about technology. Based in France, he specializes in web and JavaScript development. TechOne is involved in projects like CubexLand and RedProjet, specifically working on a Minecraft server project named ProjetHarkoziamc.
Since always, Axel has been an augmented reality modder, part of the vibrant Unity community. Passionate about new technologies, he dedicates a large part of his free time to creating innovative immersive experiences.